Download CppDepend 5.0.0 Full Edition (cracked)

Download CppDepend 5.0.0 Full Edition (cracked)

CppDepend simplifies managing a complex C/C++ code base. You can analyze code structure, specify design rules, do effective code reviews and master evolution by comparing different versions of the code.
CQLinq code query language gives you the flexibility to create your custom queries and have a deep view of your code base. 
With CQLinq you can automate your code review, and integrate it to your build.
Understanding the existing code base is primordial before any refactoring or migration. CppDepend could be very useful to audit the code base before refactoring. It helps you also in your migration process.

CppDepend manages complex code base and achieves high Code Quality. With CppDepend, software quality can be measured using Code Metrics, visualized using Graphs and Treemaps, and enforced using standard and custom Rules.
Code Query Linq (CQLinq): Around 120 default queries and rules are provided when you create a new CppDepend project. They are easy to read and easy to adapt to your needs.
Compare Builds: CppDepend can tell you what has been changed between 2 builds but it does more than simple texts comparison. It can distinguish between comment change and code change.
82 Code Metrics: CppDepend comes with 82 other code metrics. Some of them are related to your code organization (the number of classes or namespaces, the number of methods declared in a class,...)

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